Monday, November 29, 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins! (Try Not Too Commit Any Of These, Or Anything Ungodly!)

The Seven Deadly Sins, can be also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are 

LUST Lust Is a need for sex and/or things of a sexual nature. Lusts includes the following: sexual pleasure in the mind, sexual desires, and sexual actions. If Lust is not dealt with, it may lead to masturbation, rape, and a few others.

GluttonyGluttony is the need to over eat/or drink to the extreme. 

Greed/Avarice - Greed is the need of having materials or wealth. The symptoms of Greed are the following; theft, robbery, or receiving anything by  tricking, violence, misleading, or manipulation. 

SlothSloth is more a feeling rather than a need of anything. Sloth contains the following: Sadness, depression, or the lack of feeling joy. People that suffer from a deep depression can have thoughts or plans for suicide. 

Wrath - Wrath is more of a feeling rather than a need of anything. Wrath contains the following rage, hatred, or vengeance/revenge. The symptoms of Wrath can turn out in physical abuse of themself or others, murder, or even genocide. 

Envy - Envy is the need to have better or be better than other people. Also the need to have the goods of others. Wanting what others have for yourself. 

Pride/Vanity - Pride is the need to be the most beautiful, most talented, or public acceptance. The symptoms of Pride is selfishness.

These are all the seven deadly sins. One of the reasons why they are the deadly sins is, each sin that are not mention, all fall into the category t at least one the deadly sins. Try Hard not too commit any of the deadly sins. And if you do commit any of them, remember to repent to the lord.

Thank You... And God Bless!

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